'I AM' Decrees

The most important relationship we will ever have, is the one that we have with ourselves!
Therefore, it is imperative that what we say about ourselves reflects the importance of that relationship.
Our Almighty 'I AM' Presence is the Heart of our Soul; it is the centre of our illumination.
It is the most sacred place within us at the very core of who we truly are.
If we are to become the highest version of ourselves possible in this lifetime, what we say about ourselves matters.
As Gods and Goddesses, we must embody the presence that we were born to be in all ways.
When we communicate with our Almighty 'I AM' Presence, using the words 'I AM', we ask for the embodiment of the words we have spoken to be brought into being.

The Golden Prayer
I AM Decrees form the basis of the 'I AM' Golden Prayer of the Soul, which can be used in meditation or any time we wish to connect with the core of who we truly are.
The Golden Prayer enables us to identify with the deepest layers of ourselves, honouring our individuality, our sacred journey and our unique presence on this Earth.
I AM the Soul
I AM the Light Divine
I AM Love
I AM Will
I AM Soul Fixed Design
'I AM' Examples
'I AM' Decrees reflect whatever we would like to express. They are very personal and are designed to honour our being at the highest possible level. These Decrees are based on our Ideal Self - they are what we ultimately aspire to and wish to become. They are a guidance system for our inner most reality - helping to reflect our inner illumination and how we wish to express ourselves at a Soul level.
The following are some examples of 'I AM' decrees that have come to us at various times. This is just a start - there are so many more possibilities. All that is required is that the statement be positive and that it be based on the highest aspiration that reflects and honours our inner most being.
"I AM Eternal Value and Worth"
"I AM Connected and at One"
"I AM the Perfection of my World"
"I AM everywhere Present"
"I AM the Flame of God"
"I AM my Soul Rhythm"​
"I AM the Perfection of my Soul"
"I AM the Projection of Wellbeing always"
"I AM the Illumination of my World"
"I AM ever-expanding Perfection"
"I AM full Liberation and Divine action"
"I AM perfect Understanding in operation"
"I AM the Supremacy of Myself everywhere I go"
"I AM the Perfection of today"
"I AM the Truth that gives perfect Freedom"
"I AM the Open Door that no one can shut"
"I AM the Power that makes all things Clear"
"I AM Pure Light in action"
"I AM my Shadow's Perfection"
"I AM the full Comprehension and Illumination of what I want to know and understand"
"I AM the Mighty Presence of this alert Radiant Energy surging through my mind and body"
"I AM the Grand Connection"
"I AM the Golden Thread"
"I AM the Inner Reality of my Exterior Manifestation"
"I AM the Golden Pyramid"
"I AM the Perfect Presence for every moment"
"I AM the Perfection of my Identity"
"I AM the Compassionate Witness"
"I AM my own Witness"​