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Being Hu-man


At Being Hu-man, we love working with self-chosen people who are ready to answer the call of their Soul Destiny.


We show you how to clear and break free from the limiting subconscious programmes that hold you back in life, so that you can find and explore your Soul Purpose and unique Mission in this lifetime.


With over 50 years of soul-guided living between them, Yasamika and Araenia share the tools and techniques they use to live to their fullest Golden Potential whilst manifesting destiny change, awareness, expansion and consciousness elevation. 

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Latest Updates



Do you feel stuck, blocked or held back by something in your in life? 


We help our clients to find the root cause of what is going on below the surface in their subconscious patterning, then we help them to clear these limiting programmes from their life. 


Check out what our clients say on our testimonials page.



2024 Soul Intentions

Weds 10 & 18 Jan. 7pmNZ


If you would like to start exploring your Soul Purpose and focus on Heart-Centred Living, this monthly get-together is for you!


Uncover your Soul Intention, then clear what is holding you back from living your best Soul-aligned life in this online group clearing workshop.


Keep up to date with what is going on at Being Hu-man by subscribing to our newsletter.


You'll hear about our latest insights as well as what's new in the learning library courses, clearing library and upcoming events.

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Subscribe to our channel to be notified about our latest You Tube video releases. 


We share our most recent insights and discoveries about living a Soul-guided multi-layered life on Earth and beyond!


New on YouTube

Online Learning Courses - New Releases

APOLOGIES - this section is currently unavailable. We will have it up and running again asap - Yasa & Araenia

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Complete Series

Transform Your Life From the Inside Out!

This Series Bundle contains all of the Welcome to Your-Self courses

* Introduction

* Mind Programmes

* The Mind Mechanism

* Inner Light

so that you can work through the entire series without hesitation!

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Mind Programmes

Transform Your Life From the Inside Out!

This is Part 2 in the series. It takes a more extensive look at how we operate according to our subconscious mind programmes and how these programmes control every aspect of our lives.

Are you ready to break free from the limitations of your mind?

The Mind Mechanism

Transform Your Life From the Inside Out!

This is Part 3 in the series. Even though we have thoughts and emotions, the mind operating system that supports these processes is truly mechanical in nature.

Are you ready to start working with your mind processes to improve your life?


Inner Light

Transform Your Life From the Inside Out!

This is Part 4 in the series. Our outer physical body layer is merely the container that our light body uses during our lifetime, so that we are grounded enough to learn from our experience on Earth!

Are you ready to start beaming light from your inner core?

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Clearing Library 

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